You will often hear advice like ‘exercise by taking a walk or jog’ from your doctor. Truth is physical exercise is easy to prescribe but difficult to start. Getting out of the shell of physical inactivity is no easy task. Starting and maintaining a physical exercise routine requires a lot of motivation, which for m


A chronic illness is a disease or condition that has no cure but typically managed by continual monitoring and medications. Chronic illnesses are mostly brought up by lifestyle, older age and for some it’s family lineage. Examples of chronic illnesses include diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, arthritis and chron


Your vital signs measure your body's basic functions. These measurements are termed "vital" as their measurement and assessment is the critical first step for any clinical evaluation. Vitals display a snapshot of what's going on inside your body and provide crucial information about your organs. Abnormalities in vitals


The woman that inspires you

Like a celebrated yearly ritual that excites us with glee, oftentimes, when the 8th of March happens, the attention is on women and the brightest of lights are shone on their achievements, traversing all spheres of life in contemporary history, focusing on how far they have come and how much needs to be done in the fig


Self care in the love month

February is also known as 'healthy relationships’ month; and as we have already re-echoed the importance of healthy relationships in fostering good mental health through nourishing relationships with family and friends, and loving others. But most importantly, Self-love and self-care are also themes that rhyme strong


The love month

Rummaging through February’s dress-up box, almost certainly, and with prolific consistency you’ll find two things; romance and food, and also, some of the February’s other important considerations are Women’s history and Black history which may fall into the fray. But Romance and Food scream loudest. February i


Dressing for the heat.

The best way to avoid heat related illness is avoid the heat all together but this is often hard to achieve. It can be partly achieved by staying under a shade but if one needs to go, then there is a need to keep in mind the important clothing or covering one needs to limit the effects that the heat would have, the kin


Gifting this season

Gifting is an old age tradition whose importance has never waned but only soared higher, gathering momentum because of a richer world; whose consumption of commodities is at an all-time high that we have begun counting the cost of consumerism and its effects. Gift sharing is a love language, the most important part of


Caring in this season

The festivities are a special time, even much more special when they coincide with the end of the year. The perfect time for the congratulations, the restart, reset and recharge, the rejuvenation and the optimism. These are things that excite most of us. It’s the end of the year so it’s that time to take stock of a


When the years go by

Youthful exuberance is associated with vigor and an all-round pleasing and aesthetic physical look. Ageing changes a lot of that in a plethora of less than appeasing ways; physical changes are less subtle as the outer skin layer thins even when the number of cell layers remains unchanged, melanocytes (Pigment-containin


What deodorant is best for you?

Finding the right Deodorant to use can be tedious!  It can be a Herculean task and many can attest to this. The trial and error process can waste finances on products that they aren’t compatible with or might not be fit for use.   For deodorants like it is for any other products consumed on the market scale, es

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