Exercise and sleep in immunity

Exercise and sleep are two parallels that may carry distinct roles in maintaining the body’s immunity. One involves working of the body and all its structures alike and the other lowers most of the body functions to basal rates, but a balanced and cyclical utilization of both exercise and sleep is vital for health.


Herbs and immunity

Moringa Moringa is a herb that can ward off many health complications. It should be your go-to herb for immunity strengthening. So what makes moringa such a powerful immunity booster? It contains 7 times more Vitamin C than even oranges. Vitamin C is the chief nutrient that our bodies need to build strong immun


Vitamins and the immunity

The novel corona virus pandemic found the world unprepared to combat it at the start, but mostly because it was unprecedented, not that the world had never faced a pandemic, but that this was a new strain. It was new and highly virulent and would cause a lot of damage before the world and its great scientists found a s


The minerals for immunity

In the last article, we looked at the important vitamins that are needed for the body to support its own immune system. This time we review the important minerals that make up our immune supporting cocktail Iron This mineral is present in all cells of the human body. Its functions include being a key component

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