Supplementing for fertility

The impasse when there isn’t any hormonal or physical deformity to deter conception can set off accusatory and disdainful thoughts among many couples. But there is some hope in foods and vitamins, however paltry some may find it due to the infancy of research; there are vitamins, vitamin-containing foods and suppleme


Fertility problems

Insensitive and invasive questions on reproductive viability are commonplace for people perceived to be ‘of a certain age’. Oftentimes, people are questioned on when they’ll have children or why they haven’t had children forgetting that the decision is a very personal one; either way, it’s uncalled for that o


Health and population

The world’s population increased from 1 billion in the 1800 to over 7.7 billion today; a dramatic increase since it had changed very little in the previous periods, constantly being checked by prolonged periods of starvation and pestilences, inadvertently; the high death rates leveled out the birth rates. In the 100



The reasons why some people may choose to not procreate or to delay it are inexhaustible; and over the years, many ways and procedures have been sought to achieve the feat. In modern times, more and more people are taking control of their reproductive health, mostly to configure it to other aspects of their lives such

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