From broken families to falling economies, there is a lot to stress and be anxious about. The continuous un-answered questions, work, servicing loans, children, social media and a future that’s not predictable keep the mind wandering. The mind is always on the wheels! For this, we have resorted to temporary solutions


A good morning!  A feeling to have when you wake up and to most people it truly is. Mornings are meant to bring a bliss. But after you wake up the rest is sometimes random or not aligned. It is easy to forget one of the things you ought to have done at a particular time or even through the day. You ought to know th


With increasing economic struggles, there is a push towards working long hours, taking a second job or even starting a side hustle for some extra income. You might soon find yourself working more than 55 hours a week just to cope with your financial demands. While work will provide you a sense of life purpose, a dai

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