Dressing for the heat.

The best way to avoid heat related illness is avoid the heat all together but this is often hard to achieve. It can be partly achieved by staying under a shade but if one needs to go, then there is a need to keep in mind the important clothing or covering one needs to limit the effects that the heat would have, the kin


Heat intolerance

It’s noteworthy to say that prolonged warm conditions characterized by extreme heat are unfavorable for a substantial majority, but if one finds that they are uncomfortable in hot weather, even after short periods; then they are most likely suffering heat intolerance or hypersensitivity to heat. Problems usually come


Common heat related illnesses

The heat in high ambient temperatures has direct effects on the body. And we will describe them below. Heat stroke: Also known as sunstroke is a severe and life threatening heat related illness leading to body temperatures greater than 40 °C. It can be due to high ambient temperature or physical exertion that bui


Health in hot seasons

In the month of January, the average day time temperature range in Uganda is 24-33°C, but it can soar up to 40°C in the far north regions due to dry winds that emanate from the dry northeastern borders of Kenya and South Sudan. The prolonged hot period is a potentially unwelcome catalyst for a host of disasters wi

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