Down syndrome

The battle against disease and ailments is usually fought on two fronts, one of them being their prevention and the other concerned with the curing, or sometimes combining the two whenever feasible. However, genetic disorders have proven to be more difficult to alleviate compared to other diseases because of the ver



Growth and development are some of the characteristics of any naturally living entity. But the physical growth of the body and rates of development in intellectual capacity might differ in a number of ways, even in creatures of the same species. The differences may be determined by a number of factors i.e. genetic and


Ailing minds

Mental health, an indispensable facet of the holistic health care system is often overlooked as a scourge on the general wellbeing of an individual. It is increasingly being understood that good mental health for a person goes a long way in alleviating or preventing other kind of ailments such as stomach ulcers and hyp



Depression, which in the literal sense of the word describes a slump or an aversion to activity, finds use in the description of various phenomena. The fluidity of diction connotes its usage in mental health, Biology, Earth science and Economics where it defines important patterns in respective fields. The form of depr

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