There are those days you could get afraid to spend sleepless night and sometimes you run out of solutions. Mothers’ tension usually elevate especially on the immunization visits for their babies to receive the appropriate vaccines.   They get puzzled on how their babies would feel unsettled or sleepy after the vacc


It is said that people fear what they do not know… vaccination is one of them, so much that there are myths accompanied. In case you were among the one’s taken up by the fears here is an article to rile that fear away. Vaccination is when there is a use of a vaccine to impart body immunity against a disease. The


‘This might not need treatment”, a patient presents with this statement from her pediatrician. She seemed to be in a panic. She continues to narrate how Peter had a fever the previous night and she thought it would worsen as the night went on. But when they went to the pediatrician in the morning, he suggested that

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