The cramps, the cravings and the escalating mood swings that come with periods is trouble! To some, it even gets worse that they even cry or get depressed over a little something. The symptoms are sometimes so severe that women do think of doing harm to themselves or commit suicide. Yes, this is normal and bout 45% of


Why periods change?

The phrase ‘different is normal’ gives justice to the normal differences that exist in the periods of different women. Regular periods are defined with regard to length of cycle, duration of bleeding and how much blood is lost. The female reproductive hormones, as they fluctuate during certain stages of growth and


Menstrual health maintenance

As defined by WHO, Menstrual health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, in relation to the menstrual cycle. Maintaining good menstrual health includes the use of proper and clean menstrual products, sufficient menstrual education and men


Menstrual health

An innate contingency experienced by millions of women and girls around the world sometimes making them feel stigmatized, excluded and discriminated against simply because they menstruate. It’s not acceptable that because of a natural bodily function women and girls continue to be prevented from getting an education,

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