Tobacco smoking and oral health

The perils of smoking to oral health have been many times silenced if not muted by the ever echoing voices of lung cancer and respiratory complications, yet oral health issues arising from smoking continue in the most subtle of ways. Just like acid burns, such is the destructive nature smoke released from tobacco, as


Management of fatigue

Whether you’ve suffered a restless night’s sleep or are constantly on the go, tiredness can sometimes hit you like a brick wall. But, instead of suffering from in-a-constant-daze syndrome there are measures you can take that may naturally bolster up the energy levels. Tweaking your diet and adding in vitamin-rich f


The body burn out…

Endurance, the ability to go on with your daily chores relentlessly, sets machines ahead of humans in task performance. This phenomenon best describes fatigue; a state of mental, physical and emotional tiredness, exhaustion beyond normal tiredness. It will typically comprise of lack of energy accompanied by increased e

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