2nd April is World Autism day. The U.N general assembly declared it as the day to highlight the need to help improve the quality of life of those with autism so they can lead full and meaningful lives as an integral part of society. Autism is not an illness. It is one of the least understood conditions on the neurologi


The most-reported oral health concern is ‘Toothache’ and for many reasons, not too far from what we already discussed is the self-medication that follows toothaches. And substantially because toothaches are at times perceived to be of low importance on the list of oral health concerns, and therefore many oral healt


You must have heard that all medicines cause side effects. But if you haven’t, then it’s D-day because the assertion is factual. But then you won’t care to listen to any of ‘that’ when you clenched your fists over the pain that refuses to go away, you’ll want to grab that painkiller and end it without havin


Ironically, and rather not aptly fitting to a large extent; self-medication for some, is seen as part of self-care which is vital to healthcare and general wellbeing. But it’s problematic when its effects are watered down, making it seem less venomous and harmless or even as a good thing. But results have shown that

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